Investment Policy

Investment Policy Reviews

UNCTAD´s Investment Policy Reviews provide an objective evaluation of the country´s legal, regulatory and institutional framework for FDI to attract increased foreign and direct investment, as well as how to maximize the benefits from it.

The review includes FDI entry and establishment, treatment and protection of investment, taxation, the business environment and sectoral regulations.

The strategic analysis is tailored to country needs. Recommendations are concrete and action-oriented.


Investment Policy Reviews
About the Programme


The IPRs' approach and process promote ownership and learning from others:

  • It is initiated at the request of governments; the counterpart ministry or agency is involved throughout the process; it takes ownership and is advocate of the policy recommendations; and national stakeholders participate in a workshop on the findings.

  • The IPRs offer a perspective of what leaders and pioneers do and what the private sector looks for. It also includes a global perspective of FDI performance and how countries measure up as well as their policy outlook. It provides for sharing experience and knowledge through success stories and failed experiences. This includes a peer review at UNCTAD.

Adoption of recommendations

Most IPR countries have endorsed the recommendations of the IPR and many have followed up with requests for UNCTAD's technical assistance. The reforms carried are expected to improve both the climate for foreign investment and FDI benefits to the recipient countries.

The value of the IPRs to the countries is reflected in the implementation of the recommendations both with UNCTAD's assistance and also at the countries' own initiative.

Follow-up assistance

Some examples of follow-up assistance, which are described in more detail on each country page, include:

  • Advisory support on integrating FDI into a national development strategy.

  • Drafting/amending the foreign investment law.

  • Sensitizing members of parliament/cabinet ministers on investment issues.

  • Sectoral strategies.

  • Coordination of policies on investment promotion and facilitation.

  • Institutional reforms.

  • Training on BITs negotiations, investment promotion and investment targeting, clients' charter.



Economies covered

Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development

Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development

The 2015 Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development, officially launched at the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa, provides guidance for policymakers in the evolution towards a New Generation of investment policies.

The Investment Policy Framework consists of an overarching set of Core Principles for Investment Policymaking that serve as design criteria for three sets of operational guidelines or action menus:

  • Guidelines for national investment policies
  • Guidance for the design and use of international investment agreements (IIAs)
  • An action menu for the promotion of investment in sectors related to the sustainable development goals
More Documents

Best Practices on Investment for Development

Best Practices on Investment for Development

The Investment Advisory Series provides practical advice and case studies of best policy practice for attracting and benefiting from foreign direct investment (FDI), in line with national development strategies.

The series draws on the experiences gained in, and lessons learned through, UNCTAD’s capacity-building and institution-building work in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

Series B focuses on case studies of best practices in policy and strategic matters related to FDI and development arising from existing and emerging challenges.

The primary target audience for the series is policymakers in the field of investment.


Live implementation matrix: fostering investment reforms for sustainable development

Implementation matrix

The objective of this document is twofold: it aims to explore some of the policy tools, strategies and mechanisms put in place by countries to advance investment policy reforms, and to highlight practices and initiatives which could be successfully replicated. The study also presents a new interactive tool developed by UNCTAD – the Live implementation matrix.

The tool will assist countries to keep track of the progress made in implementing the recommendations of UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Reviews, and to better support them in achieving their sustainable development objectives.

More Documents

Investment Policy Monitor


The Investment Policy Monitor provides policymakers and the international investment community with up-to-date information about the latest developments and salient features in foreign investment policies.

