Launch of the World Investment Report 2016

21 June 2016

WIRThe World Investment Report 2016, examines international production by multinational enterprises (including sales, exports, employment and value added), as well as their ownership structures and control of affiliates.

In a novel analysis, the report focuses on how policymakers can distinguish between "domestic" and "foreign" companies in a globalized economy and provides with a new framework for handling ownership issues in 21st century investment policymaking.

This is because many government policies, such as those on the local content of foreign investment deals, economic sanctions, and preventing businesses from "treaty shopping" for tax planning reasons, require policymakers to know the ultimate origin of investors.

The Report also analyses global trends in foreign direct investment and prospects for 2016-2018.

The Report is under embargo until
5 p.m. GMT on 21 June 2016

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