High Level Panel on Access to Medicines Hearing and Global Dialogue

08 - 10 March 2016
Kingsway Hall Hotel
, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2016-03-14_pane_smalll.jpgThe UN Secretary General has established a High Level Panel to make proposals to the UN General Assembly on how to remedy some incoherence between human rights and access to medicines on the one hand and the intellectual property (IP) and trade system on the other hand.

UNCTAD has been invited to serve on an Expert Advisory Group to the High Level Panel.

The purpose of this meeting is for the High Level Panel and the Expert Advisory Group to engage in a public dialogue with interested stakeholders on how to increase coherence between the human rights and trade/IP systems.

Dialogue participants include representatives from governments, industry, civil society, and academia.

UNCTAD will be represented by the Officer-in-Charge of the Intellectual Property Unit, Division on Investment and Enterprise.

Sponsor / funding:
High Level Panel on Access to Medicines

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