Supporting the Shift Towards Sustainable Freight Transport in the Central Corridor, East Africa

27 - 28 February 2018
Dar es Salaam
, United Republic of Tanzania

​Promoting sustainable freight transport systems is crucial to achieving economically efficient, socially viable, and environmentally-friendly transportation and logistics services. To this end, UNCTAD is assisting developing countries design, develop and implement sustainable freight transport systems.  The overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of policy-makers, transport operators and key financial institutions, to develop and implement sustainable transport policies and measures, as well as financing actions and mechanisms. Areas of focus over the 2014-2018, include, the Northern and Central Corridors in East Africa, and selected countries in the Caribbean.

Under the framework of its technical assistance project on "Building the capacities of developing countries to shift towards sustainable transport", UNCTAD is delivering a capacity-building workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 27-28 February, in collaboration with the Central Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation (CCTTFA), to identify key elements of a sustainable freight transport strategy along this corridor. The CCTTFA was formed in 2006 by an agreement by the Governments of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Rwanda, the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Uganda.


Transport Section/Trade Logistics Branch/Division on Technology and Logistics