Short Courses on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda for Geneva-based Diplomats (Finance for development and the post-2015 agenda)

15 May 2015
10:00 hrs., Room XXVI, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

Finance for development and the post-2015 agenda

The international development community is currently engaged in discussions that will have profound implications regarding financing needs and modes over the next 30 years.

Both sustainable development goals and negotiations on a global agreement to curb climate change imply economic and structural transformations, for which the financing gap is huge. The Third International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in July 2015, is expected to provide ideas on how to bridge this gap, in developing countries in particular.

This course will address related issues, recognizing that new ideas will be needed that are flexible enough to meet the financing challenges of countries with very different circumstances, in an increasingly multipolar world. The course will provide a brief historical overview of critical trends, including the establishment of the Bretton Woods system, its breakdown and its replacement by finance-driven globalization, which has been characterized by shocks, crises, speculation and debt-driven growth.

The second part of the course will focus on policy reforms that can help to finance the transformations envisaged under sustainable development goals and in the negotiations on climate change, in order to create a more stable and equitable global new deal. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and views.

Delivered by the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies

About the Short Courses

The UNCTAD short courses on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda for Geneva-based Diplomats provide an opportunity for delegates to learn about current and emerging issues, and to dialogue with UNCTAD researchers in an academic setting.

The success of the first two short courses in 2004 and 2005 led member states to request their continuation and expansion.

The result was the launching in 2007 of two semesters of half-day courses delivered monthly.

The programme of the courses is demand-driven: the diplomats themselves propose areas on which they require updated information.

Their suggestions are the basis for the development of courses on emerging topics on which UNCTAD and its individual divisions conduct research work.

Further information on this Short Course will be published as soon as it is available. More >>

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Mr. Mohan Panicker, Project Coordinator
Knowledge Sharing, Training and Capacity Development Branch
Division on Technology and Logistics

Tel.: +41 (0)22 917 2561