First National Stakeholder Workshop. Ethiopia National Green Export Review

22 - 23 December 2015
Addis Ababa
, Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s NGER to support exports of green sesame and leather products

The First National Stakeholder Workshop of Ethiopia’s National Green Export Review (NGER) took place on 22 December 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Jointly organized by UNCTAD and the Ethiopian Ministry of Trade, this event brought together close to 40 representatives from national ministries, trade promotion agencies, financial institutions, sectoral associations, universities and centers of research.

Launching the NGER in Ethiopia, the workshop permitted stakeholders to evaluate, discuss and ultimately select a set of priority sectors to be supported by the project. Seven sectors presenting a promising potential were evaluated in the context of green exports including: coffee, sesame, natural leather, spices, pepper, bamboo, and cut flowers. 

EthiopiaNGER_SW1.jpgThe workshop was chaired by Mr Assefa Mulugeta, Director General of Export Promotion at the Ethiopian Ministry of Trade. In his opening remarks Mr. Mulugeta emphasized the need for Ethiopian stakeholders to play an active role in building sectoral capacities and he highlighted the anticipated results of the NGER.
Collectively discussing the initial findings of UNCTAD's baseline report on Ethiopian green exports, participants assessed the social, environmental and economic aspects of each of the promising sectors presented in the report. Existing supportive policies, measures and institutions as well as the potential areas where added value could be generated in the various sectors were carefully considered.
As a result of this interactive review process, at the end of the workshop, stakeholders selected the sesame and natural leather sectors for detailed study in the NGER.
During the next stage of the project, a team of national experts will conduct a comprehensive assessment of these sectors and prepare an action plan, in close collaboration with the stakeholders, to support sectoral development.  A Second National Stakeholder Workshop to be organized in the second half of 2016 will secure stakeholder agreement on an action plan which will be implemented cooperatively by interested stakeholders.


Copyright: Cover from: Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy;Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; 2011

Sponsor / funding:
United Nations Development Account

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