Midterm review of the Istanbul Programme of Action

Lessons from the UNCTAD 2011–2015 implementation activities, and the way forward

The Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for the Decade 2011– 2020 (Istanbul Programme of Action) was adopted by the Fourth United Nations Conference on LDCs in May 2011. In the five years since, UNCTAD has conducted a wide range of activities in support of LDCs, as have other United Nations system entities, development partners and, not least, LDCs themselves.

Despite the work and actions that have contributed to the fulfilment of the Programme’s objectives, it is clear that these objectives are at risk of not being met. Only nine LDCs have had gross domestic product growth rates greater than 7 per cent per year, and only 14 currently meet the graduation criteria. LDCs, as a group, also lagged behind other developing countries in achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals.

This report aims to assist the high-level midterm review of progress in implementing the Istanbul Programme of Action, to be conducted in Antalya, Turkey, from 27 to 29 May 2016, and will also serve as a background document for the review of progress by the Trade and Development Board at its next annual session.

It provides a summary of UNCTAD implementation activities in support of LDCs since the adoption of the Istanbul Programme of Action and, midway through the term of the Programme, contains a succinct assessment of where LDCs stand in achieving some of the quantitative and qualitative targets therein. Building on UNCTAD experience in the implementation of the Programme, this report also provides policy conclusions and a way forward for improving implementation of the agreed priorities in the years ahead.

Midterm review of the Istanbul Programme of Action - Lessons from the UNCTAD 2011–2015 implementation activities, and the way forward  (UNCTAD/WEB/ALDC/2016/1)
6 May 2016