UNCTAD extrabudgetary contributions peak in 2011

25 June 2012

At the request of member States the UNCTAD secretariat has published the contributions to the UNCTAD Trust Fund from 2005 to 2011, showing a significant increase of developing and transition countries' contributions.

Technical Cooperation Projects: Donor
Information about destination of funds is available on the Project Portal by clicking "donors" and then accessing the list of projects financed by each donor and the corresponding yearly amount.
Chart 1. UNCTAD trust fund contributions, 2005–2011a
a Exclusive of third-party cost-sharing contributions through UNDP.
b Exclusive of contributions to the Associate Expert Programme.
c A major part is self-sustained for activities in their own countries, financed from proceeds of loans or grants from international financial institutions.
d For details see table 9 of the statistical annex (TD/B/WP/243/Add.2).
Table 1. UNCTAD trust fund contributions, 2005–2011a
(in thousands of dollars)
Developed countries' contributions b/15'88116'262 21'273 15'659 13'658 13'883 14'447
Developing and transition countries c/ 10'4499'199 7'6568'5809'9679'453 15'163
European Commission2'8882'3435'3305'1792'5963'6286'591
UN system and other international organizations d/5'1581'0171'9133'6442'8563'1506'573
Private and public sectors4473306787817816241'604
a Exclusive of third-party cost-sharing contributions through UNDP.
b Exclusive of contributions to the Associate Expert Programme.
c A major part is self-sustained for activities in their own countries, financed from proceeds of loans or grants from international financial institutions.
d For details see table 9 of the statistical annex (TD/B/WP/243/Add.2).