Opening of UNCTAD regional office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

01 July 2015

UNCTAD has opened a regional office to directly serve its African Member States and provide high-level technical expertise and advisory services to African countries and regional organizations.

2015 is a landmark year for development with United Nations Member States working towards wide reaching agreement in the areas of sustainable development, climate, trade and technology that will shape the international development landscape for the coming fifteen years.

The transformative ambition of this post-2015 agenda will require significantly greater cooperation at the regional level among developing countries and among international partners working to support development efforts on the ground.

UNCTAD is a key partner of member states on the means of implementation of the post-2015 agenda, major institutional stakeholder in the Financing for Development process that will support implementation.

UNCTAD Africa Office
UNCTAD's office is located in the UNDP's building "Regional Service Centre for Africa" in Addis Ababa

On 1 July 2015, an UNCTAD Regional Office located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, opens shop with the key objective of playing a leading role in coordinating the delivery of UNCTAD's analytical and advisory services in support of the post-2015 agenda to all countries in the African region, with an initial primary focus on sub-Saharan African countries.

The regional office will directly serve UNCTAD African Member States and will facilitate substantive links with regional and interregional organizations in Africa, including their economic cooperation and integration organizations.

The aim will be to support and contribute to the acceleration of transformative regional integration efforts, such as the current initiatives to integrate existing Regional Economic Communities, like SADC, EAC, COMESA and others into ever closer integration, laying the groundwork for regional value chains that will build productive capacity and transform African economies.

The office will serve as conduit to provide high-level technical expertise and advisory services to African countries and regional organizations, in support of the post-2015 agenda.

It will also have a strategic role in translating research and analysis outputs into policy options, and in responding promptly to requests from Member States for on-the-spot authoritative advice on urgent policy-related problems and current development issues.