Algeria prepares Trade Policy Framework with UNCTAD assistance

28 September 2015

​Twenty representatives of the government, the private sector and academia in Algeria gathered at a consultative workshop organized by UNCTAD and the Algerian government in the capital Algiers on 16–17 September to form a new Trade Policy Framework for the country.

The Trade Policy Framework of Algeria aims to help define the contours of a new trade policy that responds effectively to challenges related to economic diversification and participation in the international trading system.

Under this Trade Policy Framework project, a joint UNCTAD-Government of Algeria consultative workshop with stakeholders was held on 16-17 September to validate the terms of reference that will be used to undertake the study.

Discussions with stakeholders, including representatives of the government, the private sector and academia, pointed to using this study as a research-based input that can facilitate domestic debate about trade policy and reforms that may be needed to increase the competitiveness of the Algerian economy.

The Trade Policy Framework study will encompass analysis concerning:

  • Development strategies, macroeconomic policies and the economic performance of different sectors

  • Trade performance of goods and services

  • Trade policy measures and trade agreements, including bilateral agreements and subjects that are relevant in the context of Algeria's forthcoming accession to the World Trade Organization.

It is expected that the study will be ready before the end of 2015.

UNCTAD Trade Policy Framework studies

Trade Policy Framework studies provide recommendations to governments on strengthening policy coherence to enhance export opportunities and developing productive capacities in resilient economic sectors that foster national developmental objectives.

They aim to contribute to reformulating and implementing national trade policy regimes according to country's needs and priorities.

Trade Policy Frameworks prepared by UNCTAD in support of developing countries include those for Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Tunisia and Rwanda, while work is in progress in supporting Zambia, Angola, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Namibia.