New BioTrade project to promote sustainable trade of products derived from biodiversity

25 November 2015

UNCTAD and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) launched today the 3rd phase of the BioTrade Facilitation Programme (BTFP III).

UNCTAD and SECO have over many years collaborated in ensuring sustainable use of biodiversity and poverty alleviation through international trade.


BioTrade Facilitation Programme (BTFP III)

The project launched today will pave the way for ensuing global and country-based projects to maximize the beneficial impact of BioTrade.

Preserving biodiversity in the post-2015 development agenda will be critical not only for the environment we live in but also to meet the social and economic needs of the current and future generations.

BTFP III is a one and a half year programme that will continue to support governments, companies and other stakeholders from developing countries in harnessing BioTrade for achieving sustainable development and poverty reduction.

"This project will enhance trade of BioTrade products, increasing the economic value of preserving biodiversity and thus, promoting sustainable livelihoods in developing countries, said Mr. Joakim Reiter, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD. He further expressed "UNCTAD's appreciation to the Government of Switzerland through SECO for the continued financial support to UNCTAD's BioTrade Initiative."

"SECO strongly supports BioTrade as a key instrument for promoting inclusive growth and sustainable development while at the same time contributing to the internationally agreed biodiversity objectives", said Mr. Nicolas Guigas, Trade Promotion Division, SECO.

The programme will focus on the Andean region in Latin America and the Mekong region in South-East Asia. However, the outcome obtained will also benefit the global community through sharing of experiences, knowledge and best practices on BioTrade and promoting synergies between public and private stakeholders.

SECO logo 03.pngState Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

SECO is part of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research and supports measures in economic and financial policy, urban infrastructure and utilities, private sector and entrepreneurship, sustainable trade, as well as climate-friendly growth.

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UNCTAD and BioTrade, The Environment and Sustainable Development

UNCTAD is the focal point in the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development, and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. It, inter alia, conducts analysis, fosters international dialogue and consensus-building, and provides capacity-building on the links among trade, environment and sustainable development.


Participants at the Briefing on Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: Trade in biodiversity-based goods and services
(25 November 2015)