Establishment of the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation - Next Steps

03 March 2016

The Chairman of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), Mr. Peter Major, invites the regional and stakeholder groups to hold consultations on which representatives they would like to be considered for the working group.

?Dear members of the CSTD,

Further to my previous note on the establishment of the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation I would like to thank you for your valuable comments and support for my proposed approach on the composition of the working group i.e.:

  • 20 Member States (four per each regional group of the CSTD) plus Switzerland and Tunisia the two Member States that have hosted the World Summit on the Information Society

Also, I proposed to invite the following stakeholders to actively participate  in the Working Group:

  • Five representatives from the business community
  • Five representatives from civil society
  • Five representatives from the technical and academic community 
  • Five representatives from intergovernmental and international organizations

As a next step, I would like to invite the regional and stakeholder groups to hold consultations on which representatives they would like to be considered for the working group, keeping in mind paragraph 65 of the General Assembly resolution 70/125.

To facilitate these consultations, I have designated the following focal points for each regional and stakeholder group:

Mr. George Tebagana, Third Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda
to the UN and other International Organizations, Geneva

Dr. Sumit Seth, First Secretary
Permanent Mission of India to the UN, Geneva

Mr. Peter Major
Permanent Mission of Hungary to the UN, Geneva and Chair CSTD

Latin Americ and Caribbean:
Ms. Carolina Peguero Fernández, Minister Counsellor
Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the WTO, Geneva

Western Europe and other states:
Ms. Shoura Zehetner-Hashemi, First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN, Geneva

Business community:
Ms. Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud, Project Director
International Chamber of Commerce Basis

Civil Society:
Ms. Ginger (Virginia) Paque
Non-voting co-chair Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG ) and Diplo Foundation
Internet Governance Programmes

Technical and academic community:
Ms. Constance Bommelaer
Senior Director of Global Internet Community Policy
Internet Society

Intergovernmental and international organizations:
Mr. Angel Gonzalez-Sanz, Chief
Science, Technology and ICT Branch
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Please note the following guidelines regarding the consultation process and the role of focal points:

  • Designation as focal points neither implies nor excludes selection of the focal points as members of the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation.
  • The role of the focal points is to assist the CSTD Chair in reaching out to the interested parties in their respective regional or stakeholder groups and to facilitate consultations regarding which CSTD Member States and stakeholder group representatives would like to be submitted for consideration by the Chair of the CSTD, in accordance with the proposed composition of the Working Group (four per regional group plus the two WSIS hosts, and five per other stakeholder groups).
  • In the consultation process focal points are kindly requested to give careful consideration to geographical and gender balance.
  • The Chair of the CSTD will make decisions and announce the final composition of the Working Group, as requested by the General Assembly in resolution 70/125, paragraph 65. 

The focal points will convey to the Chair of the CSTD the results of the consultations by 31 March 2016.

The result from the consultation process should be addressed to the Chair of the CSTD to the following address: with a copy to Mr. Angel Gonzalez-Sanz, Chief, Science, Technology and ICT Branch, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), at

On this basis, I will share with you the composition of the Working Group. My intention is to do so by 4 April 2016.

I thank you very much in advance.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Major
Chairman, the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development