Macedonian university joins UNCTAD Virtual Institute as 78th member

19 September 2012

The University American College Skopje (UACS) of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has joined the UNCTAD Virtual Institute as its 78th institutional member, bringing the count of countries represented in the Vi to 41.

UACS was established in 2005 as a private university to provide high quality education in business, economics, law and political science, combining the best of European and American educational standards and practices. The university also pays special attention to cooperation with its students' future employers in order to prepare graduates whose skills match those expected in the workplace.

Vi's counterpart at UACS will be the School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM). A group of researchers at the SBEM concentrates on trade and development issues, such as the analysis of trade and free trade agreements, integration, monetary policy, and employment, often with a specific focus on the Southeast European region and the European Union.

The cooperation with the Vi will be coordinated by Dr. Marjan Petreski, vice-dean for research at SBEM.

Through the participation in the Vi, UACS expects to enhance its expertise in teaching and researching trade and development courses/issues, and building research cooperation. The university also hopes to find teachers who could contribute to Master's courses related to trade and development issues. In the future, they wish to receive support for the development of a Master's programme on trade and development.