Regional launch of "Trade policies, household welfare and poverty alleviation: Case studies from the Virtual Institute academic network", Vietnam

05 December 2014
02:45 - 06:30 hrs. Floor 14, No. 1 - Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh
, Viet Nam

T​his book is the outcome of a three-year UNCTAD Virtual Institute (Vi) capacity building project on trade and poverty for researchers in developing and transition countries.

Co-funded by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Government of Finland, the project provided training and mentoring on tools and methods for assessing the impact of trade policy on the poor.

The studies collected in this volume examine the welfare and poverty consequences of changes in global commodity prices and trade policies in the Philippines, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Argentina, China, Costa Rica, Peru, Nigeria and Viet Nam.

The research uses a methodology based on household-level surveys with a focus on the short-term effect of price changes through household consumption, production and wage earnings. The data is derived from actual price changes or a price change predicted by a policy adjustment, such as a change in an import tariff or exchange rate appreciation.


Centre for Analysis and Forecasts, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
Sponsor / funding:
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Government of Finland

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Vlasta Macku, Chief UNCTAD Virtual Institute