UNCTAD-ECLAC Regional Policy Dialogue: The Role of Competition Policy in Supporting MSMEs Economic Recovery in the Post COVID19 Crisis

25 March 2021
11:00 - 13:45 hrs. Online, GMT-4

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in cooperation with SEBRAE, organized the Second Dialogue on "The challenges of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and competition policy in times of COVID-19 and in the post-pandemic."

This second regional dialogue, which closes the second stage of the Global Initiative project towards post-Covid-19 MSME sector, will bring together the authorities of Latin America that are in charge of support policies for MSMEs and those that are responsible for competition policies has the collaboration of SEBRAE.

The main purposes of the meeting are to present and discuss the findings and conclusions of the studies developed by ECLAC and UNCTAD on these policies and the guidelines of the third stage of the project, which aims to implement tools for capacity building of governments and MSMEs in the countries of the region, in order to boost their reactivation and strengthen their resilience in the post-pandemic period.

The main axes of this third phase will focus on strengthening the internationalization capacities of smaller companies, the use of digital tools (e-commerce) and the connection of these dimensions with competition policies.

To view a recording of this Webinar, please click here.

UN-ECLAC In partnership with : SEBRAE
Sponsor / funding:
United Nations Development Account

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