UNCTAD recommends 50 policy changes to boost science, technology and innovation in Oman

12 November 2014

UNCTAD's Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) Review of Oman, which includes 50 recommendations to improve the country's national system of innovation, was presented to the country's Council of Ministers on 11 November.

Following a request by the Government of Oman, UNCTAD conducted an analysis of the national science, technology and innovation policy environment of the country in collaboration with the Research Council of Oman.

Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD, presented the outcome of the STIP Review to Oman's Council of Ministers at a special session in Muscat on 11 November.

Ahead of the special session, a national workshop discussing the findings and recommendations of UNCTAD's Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) Review of Oman was held with a broad representation of Omani stakeholders on 9 November.

Dr. Kituyi, also presented the Review to the Supreme Committee on Oman's Vision 2040 (a high-level plan setting out Oman's long-term development strategy) on 10 November.

The Review considers the effectiveness of Oman's national system of innovation and pays particular attention to three themes that were chosen as priorities by the Omani government: human capacity development, intellectual property and economic diversification.

It highlights 50 specific recommendations for policy changes that are intended to address the problems identified through the STIP Review exercise. These include actions to strengthen the foundations of the national system of innovation; short-, medium and long-term actions to define a national innovation agenda; changes in the education system, the labour market and the intellectual property framework to provide incentives for the development of a more knowledge and innovation-driven economy; and an action plan for a national innovation strategy.

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Reviews are conducted by UNCTAD at the request of interested Governments in order to support the development of national technological and innovation capacities, to contribute to development strategies and to improve the competitiveness of the productive sectors of developing countries in the global economy.

STIP Reviews have been implemented by UNCTAD in 12 developing countries.