Towards better trade opportunities for female farmers in Myanmar

A guidebook to improve agricultural practices, food safety, and access to credit

This guidebook aims to provide women farmers in Myanmar with practical information and good practices in the agricultural value chains of tea, ginger, and avocado.

It also aims to provide specific tips and practical guidelines for farmers on food safety, access to finance, and business management. It follows upon UNCTAD’s study “A gender assessment of Myanmar and of the Inle Lake area with a focus on the agriculture and tourism sectors”, analysing the three selected agricultural value chains – tea, ginger, and avocado – in Southern Shan.

This guidebook was produced within the framework of the Myanmar-SECO-UN Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity Project “Upgrading horticulture supply and sustainable tourism to develop business linkages”.

Project activities were financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) as a portion of the Government of Switzerland’s contribution to the Global Aid for Trade (AfT) initiative and as a part of a long-run engagement of Switzerland in Myanmar.

The enhancement of women’s position in society and in the economy was one of the goals of the project which focused on women farmers and women micro and small entrepreneurs in the Shan State.

Towards better trade opportunities for female farmers in Myanmar - A guidebook to improve agricultural practices, food safety, and access to credit  (UNCTAD/TCS/DITC/INF/2023/4)
30 Aug 2023