Seminar on Preferential Rules of Origin

10 - 14 junio 2013
Tokyo Customs, Ministry of Finance, 2-7-11, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 135-8615
Tokyo, Japan
, Japan

Government officials who are responsible for certifying the origin of products exported under preferential trade arrangements face the challenge of understanding preferential rules of origin, and effectively managing the origin certification and verification systems. Failure to comply with these rules and procedures can result in commercial losses for both importers and exporters.

The Seminar will address government officials in selected Asian countries who are dealing with the certification of origin for their countries' exports under preferential trade arrangements, particularly those of Japan. The objective is to promote their better understanding of applicable rules of origin and customs procedures, so that these exports can effectively benefit from preferential trading opportunities available under these schemes.

The Seminar is part of UNCTAD's technical cooperation project "Assistance to countries of the Asian region on MFN and preferential tariff negotiations and GSP utilization" financed by the Government of Japan.

The Seminar will be attended by officials from India, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. The programme will include an exchange of national experiences, and field visits. As a follow-up, national advisory missions would be undertaken in selected countries so as to better disseminate relevant information at the national level.

Sponsor / funding:
Government of Japan

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