National Training and Capacity Building Workshop to Upgrade and Diversify the Fish exports of Comoros

28 - 30 julio 2015
, Comoros

The capacity building workshop is part of UNCTAD's project titled: Building the capacities of selected LDCs to upgrade and diversify their fish exports.

The workshop which will be organized at the technical and policy levels has four broad objectives:

  1. Upgrading the technical knowledge and expertise of different stakeholders in the field.

  2. Investigating how international standards, regulations and measures in the areas of fish and fishery products affect Comoros' exports and its international competitiveness in the sector.

  3. Sharing experiences and best practices in meeting international food safety standards.

  4. Recommending policy and strategies for implementation at the national and international levels.

Around 50 participants — both technical and policy level — are expected to attend the three-day workshop.

The technical level sessions will allow in-depth discussions on the problems posed by international standards.

The policy level discussions will focus on sharing information and increasing awareness as well as understanding of key policy makers on diversification policies and export promotion strategies, with a particular focus on the fish sector.

The workshop is expected to sensitize a broad range of stakeholders, including government officials, on the impact of international standards and the required actions to sustainably upgrade and diversify Comoros' fish exports.

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