Consolidating gains from the Arab Spring, Tunisia looks to UNCTAD

12 julio 2012

An UNCTAD mission has been in Tunis for the past five days to follow up on requests made by Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki at the UNCTAD XIII conference for urgent assistance in consolidating gains from the Arab Spring, fostering inclusive growth, attracting investments, and expanding jobs.

The UNCTAD team is being led by Mr. James Zhan, director of the Investment Division, Mr. Mongi Hamdi, chef-de-cabinet of the UNCTAD Secretary-General's office, and Mr. Quentin Dupiez and Mr. Alexandre Dabbou of the Investment Division.
From left: Mongi Hamdi (UNCTAD), James Zhan (UNCTAD), H.E. Mr Ridha Bettaieb, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation (Tunisia), Mr Noureddine Zekri, General Director, FIPA (Tunisia)
As part of an action plan presented to the Tunisian authorities, an Investment Policy Review will be conducted of Tunisia on the basis of the priority sectors and the timeframe indicated by the Government.
The Investment Policy Review will examine:
  • Job creation - how to attract investment in support of job creation and skills upgrading

  • Inclusive development – including through development in the poorer regions

  • Enlarging the market – exploring regional opportunities such as the Maghreb region and the EU-Tunisia relationship

  • Global Value Chains (GVCs) – how to access GVCs, benefit from GVCs, and upgrading along GVCs

  • Linkages development – formulation of policies to promote the integration of foreign affiliates in the local economy and spillovers on local entrepreneurship, building on UNCTAD’s Entrepreneurship Policy Framework

Other deliverables include:
  • An "Ambassadors’ training on investment promotion" programme to be held in the second half of 2012 in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency. The training will focus on the promotion of investment for job creation and poverty alleviation, as well as on image building.

  • Revision of Tunisia's existing investment policy framework based on UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development. Deliverables will be a new investment code and new model investment treaties in line with the country’s new development orientation for job creation and inclusive growth.

  • Entrepreneurship and vocational training with EMPRETEC training to enhance entrepreneurship behaviour and business skills of university graduates, and vocational training to develop technical skills in cooperation with other international organizations and leading TNCs.

  • Enhancing good governance through the application of modern technology, with a view to increase administrative efficiency and transparency (UNCTAD eRegulation system).

A presentation will be made at the Prime Minister’s office immediately following the current mission.