This project is part of a wider programme entitled Supporting Trade and Development in Mozambique – “PROMOVE Comércio” signed between the Government of Mozambique and the European Union for a total of 12 million EUR.
The EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to which Mozambique is a party since 2018, provides in its trade protocol that trade remedies consisting of Anti-dumping and countervailing measures, multilateral and general bilateral safeguards, agricultural, food security, and infant industry protection safeguards, shall be administered by EPA parties in a WTO consistent manner.
The objective of the project is to support Mozambique's efforts for the design and implementation of a coherent national trade policy framework that addresses the multiple challenges arising from the SADC-EU EPA safeguard measures and to improve the Government coordination and implementation of the EPA trade safeguards, by enhancing trade officials' knowledge on trade remedies.
Organizations of capacity-building training workshops for public and private sector officials and representatives, and assistance to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in the development of legislative and regulatory instruments on trade remedies.
Intended Outcomes:
WTO Agreements and the EU-SADC-EPA provisions on Safeguards and trade remedies implemented in Mozambique's legal system; and an administering authority created to ensure the country's legitimate trade policy objectives are protected in parallel with continued trade liberalization and openness of Mozambique's market at multilateral and regional levels.
Link to the SDGs:
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
6-month progress reports submitted to the Project Steering Committee.
March 2023, Cape Town, South Africa -- UNCTAD conducted a study tour on trade policy and commercial defence measures for officials from Mozambique and Angola. The initiative took place in collaboration with the Trade Law Centre (TRALAC).

Código del Proyecto
UNIDO and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Mozambique
European Union

EUR 700,000Related