Review of the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2021, part II of the proposed programme budget

Medidas adoptadas por la Junta de Comercio y Desarrollo 2020
Review of the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2021, part II of the proposed programme budget
Conclusiones convenidas
Closing plenary
22 enero 2020

The Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget,

Having considered and discussed the proposed programme plan for 2021 and programme performance for 2019,

  1. Takes note of the UNCTAD proposed programme plan for 2021 and programme performance for 2019 as contained in document TD/B/WP(79)/INF.1, without prejudice to the necessary adjustments in light of the outcome of the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;
  2. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to take full account of comments and inputs provided during the seventy-ninth session of the Working Party and document TD/B/WP(79)/INF.1 for the purposes of his submission of inputs for the proposed UNCTAD programme budget for the year 2021 to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for subsequent consideration by the General Assembly of the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies;
  3. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to ensure that the relevant views expressed by member States during intergovernmental deliberations at the seventy-ninth session of the Working Party, a subsidiary body of the Trade and Development Board, are transmitted in a timely manner to the entities dealing with programmatic and budgetary issues;
  4. Urges the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, for future programme budget cycles, to issue instructions to UNCTAD divisions to ensure coherence and a broader representation of the programme plan and performance of UNCTAD, to complement the instructions issued by the relevant United Nations entities in New York, and to share such instructions with member States in advance of the relevant session of the Working Party;
  5. Requests the UNCTAD secretariat to seek guidance from the United Nations Secretariat on measuring the impact of the activities under the research and analysis pillar and to communicate potential improvements to the programme plan and performance information template;
  6. Stresses the importance that UNCTAD have adequate resources to fully implement the mandate entrusted to it, following the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;
  7. Recalls, to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, the request included in the agreed conclusions of the seventy-seventh session of the Working Party to accompany this programme plan and performance information process with supporting documentation, so as to undertake a comprehensive review of the proposed draft programme plan, and to strictly observe the agreed deadlines;
  8. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to ensure that the future programme plan and performance information includes a clear indication of lessons learned with the resulting considerations for the programme plan;
  9. Expresses concern about the delays in formally adopting the agreed terms of reference for future sessions of the Working Party following the agreement on the document by member States in 2018; and calls upon the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to actively support bridging the requests of the member States with the procedural requirements of the United Nations budgetary process;
  10. Invites the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to make available to the member States of UNCTAD the documentation on the submissions he has made to the United Nations entities dealing with programmatic and budgetary issues on the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2021.