Evaluation of UNCTAD activities

Medidas adoptadas por la Junta de Comercio y Desarrollo 2019
Evaluation of UNCTAD activities
Conclusiones convenidas
Closing plenary
4 set. 2019

The Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget

  1. Reaffirms the importance of internal and external evaluations for transparency, accountability and efficiency in accordance with the UNCTAD evaluation policy and the Norms and Standards for Evaluation of the United Nations Evaluation Group;
  2. Acknowledges the additional workload entailed by results-based management; and reaffirms the importance of further improving implementation in line with the United Nations guidelines;
  3. Commends UNCTAD for completing the evaluation of all of its subprogrammes, including the synthesis report, thereby providing useful information for the improvement of the work of UNCTAD;
  4. Appreciates the efforts made by UNCTAD to implement the subprogramme evaluation recommendations; and encourages the swift implementation of pending recommendations, paying particular attention to those enhancing cross-divisional collaboration;
  5. Requests the secretariat to put in place further measures to promote meaningful collaboration and synergies across divisions and to report to member States on the progress achieved at relevant sessions of the Working Party;
  6. Encourages the secretariat to increase the visibility of the work of UNCTAD in New York by strengthening synergies with its New York office;
  7. Looks forward to a new evaluation cycle of the five subprogrammes after the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; and requests the secretariat to focus on streamlining the related costs and on fundraising extrabudgetary resources for this purpose, taking into account the outcome of the review of the evaluation findings in 2019.