The study was conducted within the framework of the Joint SDG Fund’s initiative titled “Barbados and OECS – Food Security and Livelihoods Resilience Through Analytical, Capacity Building, and Policy Support in Response to the Global Crisis on Food, Energy, and Finance.” The Government of Barbados supported and actively participated in this project.
Objective and Scope:
Within the Joint SDG project, UNCTAD was asked to deliver several outputs, including output 1.3 iii). The aim of this output was to conduct a cost-effectiveness assessment of trade-related regulations and consumer protection policies for a selected staple food product. The choice of this product was informed by criteria like its significance for food security and its role in the domestic economy, in coordination with Joint Partners (FAO and WFP) and the Resident Coordinator.
In line with this objective, the study identified and analysed Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) applicable to imported grains, which are also used as intermediate products in the poultry and bakery value chains in Barbados. The objective was to pinpoint potential areas of enhancement in the design, execution, and compliance mechanisms of these NTMs.
Wider Implications:
Though the study cantered on Barbados, its methodology and outcomes hold relevance for broader contexts. Analogous research can be tailored for various sectors within the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the CARICOM region. Furthermore, studies might revolve around NTMs related to imports with an objective to bolster the competitiveness of particular sectors. Such undertakings possess the capability to augment export growth both regionally and globally.
Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
The output objectives will positively influence SDG 2.4, 8.3.and 17.18. It underscores development-focused policies, endorsing productive activities, job creation, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Código del Proyecto
Government of BarbadosDonantes
United Nations Joint SDG FundBeneficiarios