National training workshop on science, technology and innovation park policies and practices in Ghana

National training workshop on science, technology and innovation park policies and practices in Ghana
24 - 26 febrero 2025
, Ghana

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes that Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are key drivers enabling and accelerating the global transformation towards prosperous, inclusive and environmentally sustainable economies in developing and developed countries alike. Well-developed and dynamic STI parks play an important role in increasing knowledge and technology flows, supporting technology diffusion and promoting innovation. STI are also critical for countries to recover fully from the Covid-19 pandemic and build a better future.

As outlined in UNCTAD's Technology and Innovation report 2018, many parks have experienced a disappointing outcome in terms of realizing developmental objectives.  Many developing countries are seeking advice on how to develop their own range of STI parks, incubators and accelerators, as evidenced in the STIP reviews undertaken with assistance from UNCTAD. The UNCTAD project Science, Technology and Innovation Parks for sustainable development: building expertise in policy and practice in selected Asian and African countries, funded by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund under the UN Peace and Development Fund aims at building expertise and enhancing capacity to formulate coherent and integrated policies and institutional frameworks in beneficiary countries, including Ghana by providing them opportunities for South-South collaboration to learn from other developing countries that have used STI parks, incubators and accelerators successfully. 

This workshop aims to strengthen Ghana’s capacity to design, operate and manage STI parks in a manner that contributes to the implementation of the country’s STI policies and enhancement of the country’s STI capacity, ultimately promoting the country’s sustainable development. 

The diverse mix of participants, including the below from Ghana,

  • Ministries of Science and Technology, Ministries of Industry and other ministries involved in STI park policy design
  • STI park/incubator/accelerator developers and managers
  • Startups and firms in STI parks, incubators and accelerators
  • Industrial associations
  • Women entrepreneurs’ associations
  • Youth entrepreneurs’ associations
  • STI-focused research institutes and academics

will help promote the development of multi-stakeholder partnerships, which are crucial for the successful implementation of STI park strategies in the country.

Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation, Ghana
Sponsor / funding:
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund, UNPDF

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