Participation of UNCTAD in the International Competition Conference of Rabat, Morocco "Competition Policies and Law: National Experiences and International Partnerships"

13 - 14 novembre 2019
Tour Hassan Hôtel, Rabat
, Morocco

​UNCTAD will attend and intervene in the International Competition Conference of Rabat, Morocco "Competition Policies and Law: National experiences and international partnerships, organized by the Competition Council of Morocco under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The Conference will be opened by the Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD, Ms. Isabelle Durant.

The topics in the agenda are the following: - Competition Authorities: National Experiences; - Competition and economic democracy; - Competition and social justice; - The digital revolution and new anti-competitive practices; - Engineering investigations and instructions and relations between the jurisdictions and the Competition Authorities; - Global governance of competition issues: state of affairs, challenges and perspectives (where UNCTAD will intervene as well).

Other speakers include representatives from Competition Authorities from developed (OECD member States) and developing countries from the Africa continent, and from the OECD.
Sponsor / funding:
Conseil de la Concurrence du Royaume du Maroc

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