This webinar is jointly organized by the UN-ESCWA, UNCTAD and OECD, under the trilateral cooperation arrangement aiming to support strengthening the competition law and policy across the Arab region.
It is a fundamental principle of competition law and policy that firms should compete on the merits and should not benefit from undue advantages for example due to their ownership or nationality.
Government actions can sometimes prevent, restrict, or distort competition within a market. They can set procurement/tax rules or regulatory regimes putting private companies at a disadvantage compared to state-controlled or supported firms, or yet, they can assign market regulatory functions to firms that currently or potentially compete on the same markets.
Ensuring a level playing field is therefore key to enable competition to work properly and deliver benefits to consumers and the wider economy. This webinar will explain what competitive neutrality is, why it is important to economic growth and creating attractive business environments while also providing case studies from across the region and the sharing of international best practices in this area.


Ms. Teresa Morerira -
Mr. Juan Luis Crucelgui -