Side event at 55th Annual Meeting of the ADB: Re-imagining green economy, trade, industry and finance pathways

Side event at 55th Annual Meeting of the ADB: Re-imagining green economy, trade, industry and finance pathways
30 septembre 2022
12:30 - 14:00 hrs. (GMT+8)

This event is part of the programme of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank.

Addressing the twin challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss and the risks they pose to economies requires significant transformation. How can we innovate in our goods and services to create new and sustainable market opportunities both domestically and internationally? The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will share emerging findings from a three-year study on mobilizing resources for a green New Deal. This will highlight country perspectives and promising regional opportunities in industrial and trade policies that can help secure sustainable demand and pathways to greener markets. Insights will be shared from country experts, finance institutions and SWITCH-Asia on sustainable consumption and production. 


  • To highlight promising regional transformations in green finance, industrial and trade policy
  • To share new data and research findings about climate resilient trade
  • To bring together green and blue finance with effective economic pathways creating sustainable jobs and income generating opportunities
  • To encourage innovation in closing resource loops and benchmarking sustainable market opportunities


  1. Diana Barrowclough, Senior Economist, Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD
  2. Keith Lockwood, Economist, UNCTAD, Sustainable Development Finance Assessment Framework
  3. Karlos Lee Moresi, Programme Advisor, Resilient Development Finance, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
  4. Manuel Montes, Chief of Policy Analysis and Development Branch at Financing for Development Office of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
  5. Zinaida Fadeeva, Team Leader, SWITCH-Asia Sustainable Consumption and Production Facility
  6. Zhang Wencai, Vice President, The Export-Import Bank of China
  7. Enrique Florencio, Secretary General, Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP)

Moderator: Katharine Thoday, Principal Environment Specialist Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department


Reimagined Pathways Introduction and country examples

Richard Kozul-Wright – Director Globalization and Development Strategies - Overview

Diana Barrowclough –Senior Economist GDS

  • Successful transformations and their characteristics – interlinking policies for trade, industrial policy and finance for development.
  • What lessons are learned from Asia and elsewhere.

Keith Lockwood – UNCTAD Sustainable Development Finance Assessment Framework.

  • Trends in balancing external and public sector financial sustainability; examples from Asia
  • How to increase the area of external financial sustainability and create greater policy space and capacity to service public sector net liabilities

Country Perspectives:

1. Pacific – Karlos Lee Moresi, Programme Advisor-Resilient Development Finance, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat 

  • How can development and development finance needs be aligned with climate and climate finance needs?

2. Indonesia - Manuel Montes, Chief of Policy Analysis and Development Branch at Financing for Development Office - UNDESA 

  • How can structural transformation be aligned with development benefits?
  • What are the main obstacles to change?
  • What policies are needed to support transition?

Enabling Frameworks:

1. Zinaida Fadeeva, Team Leader SWITCH-Asia Sustainable Consumption and Production Facility 

  • What do changing EU policies mean for Asian exports?
  • What is SWITCH-Asia’s approach to supporting Green Industrial pathways/supply chains?

2. Zhang Wencai, Vice President, The Export-Import Bank of China

  • What is the role of an Export-Import Bank in supporting Green Development Pathways?
  • How can we better track trade in environmental goods and services to grow greener market

3. Katie Gallogly-Swan – UNCTAD

  • What green and trade policies are emerging and what is needed?
  • What are challenges and opportunities for DFIs in this space?
  • What is the way forward?
Asian Development Bank

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