Review of the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2020 (part II of the proposed programme budget)

Décisions adoptées par le Conseil du commerce et du développement 2019
Review of the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2020 (part II of the proposed programme budget)
Conclusion concertée
Closing plenary
1 févr. 2019

The Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget

  1. Concurs with the proposed draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information document for the year 2020 as contained in document TD/B/WP(77)/CRP.1/Rev.1;
  2. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to take full account of and reflect appropriately the comments and inputs provided by member States during the seventy-seventh session of the Working Party and document TD/B/WP(77)/CRP.1/Rev.1 for the purposes of his submission of inputs for the proposed UNCTAD programme budget for the year 2020 to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for subsequent consideration by the General Assembly of the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies;
  3. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to ensure that the views expressed by member States during intergovernmental deliberations at the seventy-seventh session of the Working Party, a subsidiary body of the Trade and Development Board, are transmitted in a timely manner to the relevant United Nations entities dealing with programmatic and budgetary issues;
  4. Invites the Secretary-General to make available to the member States of UNCTAD documentation on the submissions he has made to the United Nations entities dealing with programmatic and budgetary issues on the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2020 (part II of the proposed programme budget);
  5. Reaffirms the importance of UNCTAD and its pivotal role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  6. Stresses the importance that UNCTAD have adequate resources to fully implement the mandate entrusted to it, in particular in the period leading up to the fifteenth session of UNCTAD;
  7. Encourages the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to explore the best modalities to maximize synergies and redeploy resources across the subprogrammes, as well as within each subprogramme, so as to respond in the best possible conditions to the areas of work identified by the Nairobi Maafikiano, and requests the secretariat to focus its efforts on the parts of the mandate that are not yet on track for completion in this quadrennium, as identified by the deliberations of the midterm review;
  8. Expresses concern on the delay in the launch of the programme budget preparation and its impact on the deliberations of the relevant elements by the Working Party and requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to transmit those concerns to the relevant authorities in New York;
  9. Calls upon the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, for future programme budget exercises, to provide to member States, alongside the draft programme plan, appropriate supporting documentation so as to undertake a comprehensive review of the proposed draft programme plan;
  10. Recommends that the Trade and Development Board invite the President of the Trade and Development Board to transmit the outcome of the Working Party to the Chairs of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly;
  11. As a follow-up to the agreed conclusions adopted by the Working Party at its seventy-sixth session, requests the secretariat to prepare a proposal and organize consultations with member States on the issue of a programme cycle for in-depth evaluations of the subprogrammes, with a view to discussing it at the next session of the Working Party;
  12. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to establish a methodology for a harmonized approach of each subprogramme regarding quantifiable deliverables;
  13. Welcomes the finalization of the terms of reference for future sessions of the Working Party, as a result of informal consultations, and for approval by the Trade and Development Board, in a timely manner.