The role of international trade in the post-2015 development agenda

Décisions adoptées par le Conseil du commerce et du développement 2014
The role of international trade in the post-2015 development agenda
Conclusion concertée
9 mai 2014

The Trade and Development Commission

Recognizing that international trade is a key enabler for achieving the United Nations post-2015 development agenda, and that optimizing its impact on development depends on greater coherence of trade policy with other policies;

  1. Takes note of the analysis on the contribution of international trade to development provided by the UNCTAD secretariat in its background document (TD/B/C.I/33);
  2. Stresses that open, universal, equitable, rules-based, and non-discriminatory participation in international trade can deliver major benefits for development, which are of key relevance to developing countries, especially least developed countries (LDCs);
  3. Considers that the nexus connecting trade, structural transformation, productive capacity and economic growth on the one hand, and inclusive and equitable development on the other, requires pursuing a coherent mix of adequate economic, environmental and social policies at all levels;
  4. Recognizes that the role of trade in development should be adequately reflected in the post-2015 development agenda and sustainable development goals as a key enabler and means to achieve inclusive economic growth and sustainable development;
  5. Requests the UNCTAD secretariat to proactively continue its participation in and to further its substantial contribution to the post-2015 development agenda and the sustainable development goals, including to the relevant United Nations-wide activities in this regard, and encourages all stakeholders in a position to do so to provide financial support for the implementation and follow-up of its work.