Developing sustainable and resilient transport systems in view of emerging challenges

Décisions adoptées par le Conseil du commerce et du développement 2014
Developing sustainable and resilient transport systems in view of emerging challenges
Conclusion concertée
9 mai 2014

The Trade and Development Commission

  1. Considers that the 10-year review of the Almaty Programme of Action provides an opportunity to prepare for a new agenda for landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) to benefit from greater assistance in the design and implementation of sustainable and resilient transit transport systems in view of persistent and emerging development challenges, as well as to perform, evaluate and allow for an exchange of knowledge and experiences to address the particular challenges of these countries. The post-2015 development agenda should include a discussion on transport sustainability as it is a priority for LLDCs and transit developing countries;
  2. Recognizes that sustainability and resilience are important for all countries, particularly developing countries, with special attention to small island developing states (SIDS) in view of their unique economic, social and environmental vulnerabilities. SIDS remain a special case for sustainable development as reaffirmed by the international community at the Rio+20 Conference. The stakes involved in devising sustainable and resilient transport systems in SIDS are of great magnitude given the prevailing unique transport challenges inherent to their size, geographical, topographical and climatic features;
  3. Recognizes that for transport systems to be sustainable and resilient, more attention should be given to addressing their social, economic and environmental dimensions;
  4. Stresses the need to mobilize financial resources at all levels to support the implementation of sustainable and resilient freight transport systems;
  5. Requests UNCTAD to continue, within its current mandate, to monitor, analyse and assess the trade logistics needs of developing countries, in particular LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, and assist them in the design and implementation of sustainable and resilient transport systems with particular emphasis on building national and regional capacities to effectively mainstream sustainability and resilience considerations into transport-related policies and strategies, including investment and finance;
  6. Requests UNCTAD, in accordance with the Doha Mandate, to continue providing support in trade and transport facilitation, including customs automation and technical assistance and capacity-building towards the implementation of multilateral and regional trade-facilitation agreements, and encourages all stakeholders in a position to do so to provide further technical assistance for the implementation and follow-up of its work in this regard.