The Weekly Tradecast explores how major economic events are affecting developing countries and the lives of billions of people.
The Weekly Tradecast looks at why trade, smart diversification and wider investment in development hold the keys to a more stable and sustainable future with special guest Célestin Monga, who teaches public policy at Harvard University.
100. World Investment Report 2024: Weaker global flows show much work ahead for a more inclusive future
The Weekly Tradecast looks at the World Investment Report 2024 and the latest trends with UN Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD) Richard Bolwijn.
This episode of the Weekly Tradecast looks at a new report by the United Nations on trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) with Bruno Casella, a senior economist at UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
76. All aboard the environment express: Global tourism needs more investment to reach greener heights
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast talks about the importance of the right kind of investment in tourism with UNCTAD’s Christiane Stepanek-Allen, chief of UNCTAD's investment partnership section.
75. No time to waste: Why we need far more investment around climate change and sustainable development
This episode of the Weekly Tradecast looks at investing in sustainable development to help save our planet with UNCTAD economists Joseph Clements and Anthony Miller.
In this episode of The Weekly Tradecast, we’re talking about women and investment and why a lack of financing is undermining development with UNCTAD economist Stephania Bonilla.
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast looks at the urgent need to invest much more in healthcare with UNCTAD economist Bruno Casella.
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast talks about the popularity and the pitfalls of green investing with UNCTAD economist Joseph Clements.
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast looks at the UN’s latest World Investment Report with Richard Bolwijn, in charge of UNCTAD’s investment research branch.
Just ahead of the UN’s fifth conference on the least developed countries, this episode of The Weekly Tradecast talks about why these 46 nations need urgent help to address inequalities, attract investment and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals with UNCTAD economist Rolf Traeger.