Dta file: VSS_toolkit.dta PDF file: VSS Assessment Toolkit - sample questionnaire for coconut oil value chain - Feb 2020 ************************************************************************************************************* * role in value chain* tab s_0_q_4_1 * number of farmers certified (users) vs non-certified (non-users)* tab s_1_q_01 *categorisation of farmer- Global value chain ( GVC) or Local value chain (LVC)* * GVC and certified farmer, if maximum sold to international firm, processor or broker, else local value chain farmer is main buyer is local consumer* tab s_4_q_01_b s_1_q_01 mean s_4_q_01_a s_4_q_01_c, over(s_1_q_01) * farmer demography descriptives by users and non-users* *age and HH size* mean s_2_q_02 s_2_q_04, over( s_1_q_01) * gender, education, civil status, main acitvity, secondary activity* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_2_q_03 s_2_q_05 s_2_q_06 s_2_q_07 s_2_q_08 ************************************************************************************************************************** *Certificaiton Dynamics for users* * type of certificaiton* tab s_3_q_09_b if s_1_q_01==1 *Length of ceritificaiton* summ s_3_q_07_b if s_1_q_01==1 * area certified* summ s_3_q_09_a if s_1_q_01==1 * experience of certificaiton* tab s_3_q_09_d if s_1_q_01==1 * payment for certificaiton* tab s_3_q_07 if s_1_q_01==1 summ s_3_q_07_a if s_1_q_01==1 *finanical assistance on certificaiton* tab s_3_q_08 if s_1_q_01==1 tab s_3_q_08_a if s_1_q_01==1 summ s_3_q_08_b if s_1_q_01==1 ***************************************************************************************************************************** * farmer assets owned and frequency of use* *land size and ownership* mean s_2_q_09_a s_2_q_09_b s_2_q_09_c, over(s_1_q_01) tab s_2_q_10 s_1_q_01 *assets mobile- owned, used* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 do_you_own_mobile do_you_own_internet tab frequency_of_use_mobile s_1_q_01 if do_you_own_mobile ==1 tab frequency_of_use_internet s_1_q_01 if do_you_own_internet ==1 *what farmers use their mobile for by user and non-user* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_2_q_13 s_2_q_14_1 s_2_q_14_2 s_2_q_14_3 s_2_q_15_1 s_2_q_15_2 s_2_q_15_3, subpop(do_you_own_mobile) *assets owned, bicycle and car* by s_1_q_01 s_2_q_03, sort : tab1 do_you_own_bicycle do_you_own_car tab frequency_of_use_bicycle s_1_q_01 if frequency_of_use_bicycle==1 tab frequency_of_use_car s_1_q_01 if frequency_of_use_car==1 *other assets- house, electricity* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_2_q_17 s_2_q_18 s_2_q_19 ******************************************************************************************************************************** *Follow the data analysis guide to calcuate willigness to continue (WTC) and adoption readiness (AR)' *There are 3 sub-indicators- production challenges and relationships in value chains, outcomes, risk perceptions and CoP* *WTC and AR- production challenges and relationships in value chains-Broad network setting of the relationships between value chain actors and producers* tab s_3_q_06 if s_1_q_01==1 *difficulty finiding a buyer* tab s_4_q_03 s_1_q_01 tab s_4_q_03_b s_1_q_01 if s_4_q_03==1 *first reason* tab s_4_q_03_b1 s_1_q_01 if s_4_q_03==1 * second reason* tab s_4_q_03_b2 s_1_q_01 if s_4_q_03==1 * third reason* * contract- given and type* tab s_4_q_04 s_1_q_01 tab s_q_4_04_a s_1_q_01 *rejection of product* tab s_4_q_05 s_1_q_01 * networks- relationships* *information on prices* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_01_a s_5_q_02_a s_5_q_03_a *weather information* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_02_b s_5_q_03_b *pest and diseases* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_01_c s_5_q_02_c s_5_q_03_c *law informaiton* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_01_d s_5_q_02_d s_5_q_03_d *water and soil testing* *by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_01_e s_5_q_02_e s_5_q_03_e *irrigaiton schdules* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_01_f s_5_q_02_f s_5_q_03_f *new agricultural practices* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_04_a s_5_q_05_a *chemicals* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_04_b s_5_q_05_b *health and safety* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_04_c s_5_q_05_c * industrial action and leadership* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_04_d s_5_q_05_d * credit access* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_06_a s_5_q_07_a * grading improvement* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_06_b s_5_q_07_b *gendered relations* by s_1_q_01 s_2_q_03, sort : tab1 s_10_q_01 s_10_q_02 *********************************************************************************************************** * WTC and AR: Outcomes* *Economic outcomes- yield, labour productivity, value addition, diversificaiton, * Crop yield for crop 1 calculated as total output divided by area sown* gen crop_yield = s_3_q_01_d1/ s_3_q_01_c1 mean crop_yield, over(s_1_q_01) *labour producivity- for crop 1- calcuated as total output divided by number of labour hired* gen labour_productivity = s_3_q_01_d1/ s_3_q_01_f1 mean labour_productivity, over(s_1_q_01) * value addition- currently being done* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_6_q_01 s_6_q_02_1 s_6_q_02_2 s_6_q_02_3 *diversificaiton* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_6_q_05 s_6_q_06 *HH income changes- other sources of income* tab s_6_q_07 s_1_q_01 *% of income earned from Crop1 versus other sources* mean s_6_q_08 s_6_q_09, over(s_1_q_01) *basic needs access* tab s_6_q_10 s_1_q_01 *what basic needs are not met* tab s_6_q_11_1 s_1_q_01 if s_6_q_10==0 tab s_6_q_11_2 s_1_q_01 if s_6_q_10==0 *social outcomes- farmer group support, cooperation* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_08 s_5_q_10 *duration in group* mean s_5_q_09, over (s_1_q_01) *cooperaiton* tab s_5_q_11 s_1_q_01 *community support* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_6_q_12 s_6_q_13 * environmental- less fertilizer use and better seed access* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_5_q_06_d s_5_q_06_e *gender empowerment* by s_1_q_01 s_2_q_03, sort : tab1 s_10_q_03 s_10_q_04 s_10_q_05 ********************************************************************************** *WTC Risk perceptions- certification maintainance challenges* tab1 s_7_q_01_1 s_7_q_01_2 s_7_q_01_3 s_7_q_01_4 s_7_q_01_5 s_7_q_01_7 s_7_q_01_6 s_7_q_01_8 if s_1_q_01==1 * AR Risk perceptions* * from those who are not certified, those who are interested in obtaining certificaiton* tab1 s_1_q_01 s_8_q_01 if s_1_q_01==0 *factors that are important to obtaining certificaiton* tab1 s_8_q_02_01 s_8_q_02_02 s_8_q_02_03 s_8_q_02_04 s_8_q_02_05 s_8_q_02_06 s_8_q_02_07 s_8_q_02_08 if s_1_q_01==0 & s_8_q_01==1 *both AR and WTC risk perceptions* by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_9_q_06_01 s_9_q_06_02 s_9_q_06_03 s_9_q_06_04 s_9_q_06_05 s_9_q_06_06 s_9_q_06_07 by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_9_q_06_08 s_9_q_06_09 s_9_q_06_10 s_9_q_06_11 s_9_q_06_12 s_9_q_06_13 s_9_q_06_14 by s_1_q_01, sort : tab1 s_9_q_06_15 s_9_q_06_016 s_9_q_06_17 s_9_q_06_18 s_9_q_06_19 s_9_q_06_20 s_9_q_06_21 ********************************************************************************************* *Constellation of Priorities* *who gets most benefit* tab s_9_q_01 s_1_q_01