Eighth Meeting of the Research Partnership Platform on Competition and Consumer Protection

05 July 2017
09:00 - 17:00 hrs. 10:00-13:00, Room XVII, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

UNCTAD created the Research Partnership Platform (RPP) in 2010 in order to respond to current challenges in the area of competition and consumer protection through joint research and policy analysis.

UNCTAD aims at contributing to the formulation of appropriate policies and legislation, and sharing best practices for effective law enforcement and policy design with a view to achieve sustainable development goals.

RPP is an initiative that brings together researchers from research institutions, universities, competition authorities and civil society. It provides a platform where partners can undertake joint research and other activities with UNCTAD, exchange ideas and solutions to tackle the 21th century challenges in the area of competition and consumer protection.

UNCTAD facilitates and provides guidance on the research and analysis undertaken by researchers within RPP. It aims at benefiting from research findings in its technical assistance and capacity building activities in developing countries and economies in transition.

So far, UNCTAD has produced two joint publications under its UNCTAD Research Partnership Platform Publication Series: Competitive neutrality and its application in selected developing countries, and Competition law and the State: Competition laws' prohibitions of anti-competitive State acts and measures.

These are available on UNCTAD RPP website. Currently, there are seven ongoing projects within the RPP.

RPP partners come together at the margins of the annual meeting of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy since 2010 and share their project findings and present new research proposals. During this year's RPP meeting, we will discuss the preliminary findings of five RPP projects and hear three research undertaken by our partners on various issues related to consumer protection.

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Competition and consumer protection Competition and consumer protection



Competition Law and Policy and Consumer Protection Branch
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva Switzerland
T.: + 41 22 907 02 47