Media Alert - Economic cost of Israeli occupation in Gaza: UNCTAD estimates

Media Alert
For use of information media - Not an official record
Media Alert - Economic cost of Israeli occupation in Gaza: UNCTAD estimates

Geneva, Switzerland, 20 November 2020

This new UNCTAD report stresses the urgent need to end the closure of Gaza so that its people can freely trade with the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory and the world. It emphasizes the urgency of restoring Palestinians’ right to free movement for business, medical care, education, recreation and family ties.

Since June 2007, 2 million Palestinians have been under a prolonged closure inside the Gaza strip. Moreover, the Strip has endured three military hostilities since 2008.

The result has been the near-collapse of Gaza’s economy and its isolation from the Palestinian economy and rest of the world.

In this UNCTAD report to the UN General Assembly, UNCTAD estimates the cumulative economic cost of the Israeli occupation, only from the prolonged closure and military operations in Gaza, during the 2007–2018 period.


Journalists having access to the UNCTAD virtual newsroom may download the press release and the new UNCTAD study.


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After the lifting of the embargo, documents related to the report will be available on the main UNCTAD website.


For further information or to request interviews with UNCTAD experts, please contact the UNCTAD Press Office (+41 22 917 5828/5549/5166,