High-Level Panel on Creative Industries and Development

12 - 13 junio 2004

Background information: The creative industries - from music and films to broadcasting, publishing and software production - can provide new opportunities for developing countries to leapfrog into new areas of wealth creation. Creative industries are among the most dynamic sectors of world trade, with a high skill and value-added content and strong employment linkages, particularly in smaller and medium-size enterprises. Developed countries, through policy support and other forms of assistance (for example, in trade negotiations), should support efforts by developing countries to strengthen these industries as a potential source of export earnings, job creation and poverty alleviation. Enhancing developing countries` participation in new dynamic growth opportunities in creative industries is essential in order to realize development gains from international trade. Innovative policy measures are needed to enable developing countries to diversify into dynamic, high-value-added products. The High Level Panel, with inputs from key stakeholders, policy makers, artists, business representatives, international organizations and non-governmental organizations, will explore the trade and development opportunities arising from these industries, share experiences on best practices and suggest policy recommendations aimed at enhancing their promotion and development.

Purpose: The purpose of the High-Level Panel is to:

  • Explore the trade and development opportunities open to developing countries through their creative industries and review ways of overcoming the challenges they face in building dynamic competitiveness and increasing the benefits generated from these industries.
  • Identify a set of national and international policy recommendations to foster the development and competitiveness of creative industries in developing countries and countries in transition.
  • Exchange views and share experiences on best practices in the development of creative industries on the basis of case studies to be presented at the event.

Expected outcome: The expected conclusion of this event is to constitute an essential input into the debates at UNCTAD. The event is also expected to:

  • Review best practices and case studies in policy analysis for creative industries.
  • Result in the preparation of a publication containing the key documents prepared for the Panel that will provide a tool for encouraging inter-country learning experiences and networking.
  • Contribute to the development of a global database on creative industries.
  • Pave the way for a network approach to trade and creative industries with a view to forging a close collaboration between the United Nations and its specialized agencies working on creative industries.
(TD(XI)/Misc.1) -  09 Jun 2004
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