Panel discussion on global trade flows and the circular economy

Panel discussion on global trade flows and the circular economy
26 noviembre 2020
16:00 - 17:30 hrs. New Delhi
, India

This panel event will discuss how global trade flows can be seen from a circular economy perspective. 

Key discussion themes: 

  • The implications of a circular economy transition on global trade flows
  • Trade policies and agreements (including FTAs) that can play a role in promoting a global transition to the circular economy
  • Current material flows of critical raw materials/waste for the EU and India, and the impact of covid-19
  • International trade in secondary raw materials and recyclables and the need for global policy coherence, and definitions, standards, and certification
  • The way forward for international cooperation on circular economy and trade policies to ensure the mutual supportiveness of these two areas for accelerated circular economy transition

The event will have the participation of an economist from UNCTAD´s Trade and Environment Branch, who will be joined by discussants from the OECD, IEEP, WEF  as well as business and civil society representatives. The event is part of the  EU-REI initiative for India. 

Register HERE

About EU-REI

European Union’s Resource Efficiency Initiative (EU-REI) for India is a three-and-a-half-year project (until December 2020), and aims to support India in the implementation of the United Nations Global Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) agenda by way of adapting international standards and best practices in business on r



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