Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview

Medidas adoptadas por la Junta de Comercio y Desarrollo 2022
Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview
Conclusiones convenidas
7 oct. 2022

The Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance

  1. Reaffirms the importance of evaluation as a management tool to enhance accountability, organizational learning, evidence-based decision-making and transparency, in accordance with the UNCTAD evaluation policy and the norms and standards for evaluation of the United Nations Evaluation Group;


Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview

  1. Welcomes the quality of “Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview” (TD/B/WP/316), and encourages the secretariat to continue strengthening evaluation work, including in line with recommendations contained in the administrative instruction on evaluation in the United Nations Secretariat (ST/AI/2021/3) and the guidelines on it;
  2. Takes note of the advancements by the secretariat on the implementation of results- based management, and requests continued advancement in line with the guidelines and practices of the United Nations Secretariat in order to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of UNCTAD work, as well as integrate human rights and gender considerations in its work, and deliver on other key findings of the evaluations presented;


External evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 1: Globalization, interdependence and development

  1. Takes note of “External evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 1: Globalization, interdependence and development” (TD/B/WP/318 and Corr.1) and of “External evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 1: Globalization, interdependence and development – Management response” (TD/B/WP(84)/CRP.1);
  2. Requests that the secretariat implement the external evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 1, taking into consideration the management response and the views expressed by member States during the eighty-fourth session of the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance, and present, accordingly, an update at the eighty-sixth session of the Working Party in 2023 on the status of implementation;
  3. Looks forward to considering the evaluation of subprogramme 2 at the eighty-sixth session of the Working Party in 2023, requests the secretariat to use the previous evaluation of the subprogramme as a reference point, and highlights the importance of selecting an appropriate evaluation team to ensure the relevance and utility of the evaluation