9th Global Aid for Trade Review side event: Strategies to position trade at the core of the LDC development agenda

27 junio 2024
12:00 - 13:00 hrs. World Trade Oranization, Room F
, Switzerland

Least developed countries (LDCs) continue to be marginalised in international trade, and collectively account for less than 1% of global exports. It is necessary to prioritise their fuller integration into the global trading system if trade is to serve as an effective engine for growth and sustainable development in these countries. This requires innovative approaches that successfully integrate trade policies into the broader national development policies, strategies and aspirations of LDCs.

To this end, this session will focus on strategic approaches in three areas:

  • Addressing LDCs’ unique and complex vulnerabilities through targeted support that helps position trade as a driver of growth, structural transformation and sustainable development in LDCs.
  • Enhancing productive capacities in LDCs to provide a foundation to diversify their economies and exports, in the process ensuring they are better positioned to deal with potential trade-related challenges pre- and post-graduation.
  • Providing more effective support to graduating LDCs to facilitate their smooth transition out of the LDC category and ensure they graduate with momentum.

Special attention will be paid to the role that Aid for Trade can play in supporting these objectives and, in the process, help to achieve LDCs’ national development objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals. The session will therefore help to direct capacity building, technical and financial support towards key areas that position trade at the core of the LDC development agenda.


  • H.E. Ms. Kadra Ahmed Hassan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Republic of Djibouti (Moderator)
  • Mr. Dinesh Kumar Ghimire, Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Government of Nepal
  • H.E. Mr. Ram Prasad Subedi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Nepal
  • Mr. Paul Akiwumi, Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD
  • Dr. Ruth Kattumuri, Senior Director, Economic, Youth and Sustainable Development Directorate, Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Mr. Paul Whittingham, Head, Trade for Development, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office 
Commonwealth Secretariat and the Government of Nepal

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Least developed countries Least developed countries


Ms. Lisa Borgatti