We support the least developed countries to achieve structural economic transformation, increase productive capacity, reduce poverty and build resilience to adverse factors
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Least Developed Countries Report
Least Developed Countries: Vulnerability Profiles

This series of reports present the vulnerability profile of selected least developed countries, as mandated by General Assembly resolution 59/209 of 20 December 2004.
The reports are intended for use as a background document for the Committee for Development Policy deliberations on the preparedness of these countries for graduation from the least developed country (LDC) category.
Trade and Poverty Papers

The aim of this series is to disseminate the findings of research work on the inter-linkages between trade and poverty and to identify policy options at the national and international levels on the use of trade as a more effective tool for poverty eradication.
The opinions expressed in these papers are those of the authors and are not to be taken as the official views of UNCTAD or its member states.
5th UN Conference on LDCs
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