UNCTAD joins event at Harvard bridging theory and practice on circular economy

06 mars 2020
09:00 - 19:00 hrs. Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
, États-Unis d'Amérique

Worldwide material consumption has expanded rapidly in recent decades, seriously jeopardizing the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 on responsible consumption and production. The escalating global material footprint has contributed to increased pollution, soil contamination, greenhouse gas emissions, and threats to human health and wildlife, putting the achievement of SDGs more broadly also at risk. Urgent action is needed to ensure that current material needs do not lead to the over-extraction or degradation of natural resources. Achieving SDG 12 requires changing the traditional linear production model and moving towards a circular economy based on improved resource efficiency, increased re-use and recycling, reduced waste, and mainstreamed sustainability practices across all sectors of the economy.
Sponsor / funding:
United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID)

English  |    
Sites correspondants:

Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch

DFID-UNCTAD Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) programme

Circular Economy Symposium at Harvard