Conference on Biofuels: An option for a less carbon-intensive economy: UNCTAD XII pre-event

04 - 05 décembre 2007

[En anglais seulement]

Climate change as a development challenge

  • How can trade work for climate change?
  • How can trade policy contribute to an orderly transition to a less carbon-intensive economy?
  • Can active climate policy be compatible with, and enhance trade competitiveness?

Overview of the global biofuels market

  • What is the size, main trends and future prospects for the biofuels market?

Relevant trade and sustainable development aspects of the biofuels market

  • Certifying biofuels
  • Ensuring climate change benefits of biofuels
  • Prospects for the second generation of biofuels technologies

Recommendations for UNCTAD XII

  1. What impact would biofuels have on development strategies and how could UNCTAD support developing countries in the formulation of national biofuels strategies?

  2. Potential for South-South cooperation, particularly with respect to technical assistance and R&D.

  3. What can be done to help in the organization of the currently fragmented international biofuels market? How to de-couple biofuels/feedstock prices and food prices?

Quick Links:

| Provisional Programme |

| The BioFuels Initiative of UNCTAD|

| Ad hoc expert group meeting on Biofuels (19th June 2007 ) |

| Expert Meeting on BioFuels (30 November 2006) |

English  |