General Assembly of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials

02 juin 2015
, Suisse

UNCTAD discusses sustainability trends for the new generation of bioenergy, and moderates panel on emerging issues of the new generation of biofuels during the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) General Assembly in Geneva.


 The increasingly high growth rate of the world population is one of the factors that enhances climate and food concerns. The supplies needed to cover food and energy needs are increasing every year. The Earth, however, has limited capacities. There is therefore an urgent need to find a balance that does not overly stretch Earth boundaries but still covers human needs.
While conventional bioenergy products such as ethanol based on corn and sugarcane are primarily based on agricultural products with dual food / energy purposes, second generation biofuels use a broader spectrum of non-food biomass to generate energy. This could reduce the social risks of bioenergy systems. One example was presented during the event, in which representatives from the aviation sector presented the latest developments in biomass-based jet fuels as viable and sustainable alternatives.
The General Assembly of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials gathered key stakeholders in the private sector, relevant international organizations and civil society to discuss emerging issues on this new generation of biofuels.
UNCTAD led discussions on the framework for international trade for second generation biofuels. The session focused on opportunities and challenges these so-called second generation biofuels provide both from the private and public sector perspectives.
Discussions looked the matter both from the macro-policy perspective and from experiences on the ground. Ms. Tetyana Payosova from the World Trade Institute focused on regional regulations and WTO compliance issues, they also heard experts researching and implementing initiatives for using sustainable feedstock to produce energy in several sectors and markets.
This is the case with the aviation industry, which is already on its way of using feedstock to produce biofuels. South African Airlines has partnered with Boeing and Sunchem to use a mutagenized tobacco plant that can be used only as animal feedstock, be cultivated in poor soils, is low-water consuming and can ameliorate the cultivation soil to produce biofuel for its planes. Although still in the making, the strategy seeks to foster sustainable development in the region while contributing to protecting the environment.
Other sustainable production alternatives were also presented during the meeting. Mr. Paul Pereira, CEO of Meridian Holdings Group, for instance, showcased renewable, biomass-based and biodegradable replacements for any kind of plastic.
The market is already changing to accommodate consumer demands and changing trends towards more sustainable products and services. Governments and international organizations also have a crucial role in guiding and facilitating the implementation of such ventures. Coherence, cooperation and coordination are crucial to achieve positive developments in bioenergy production and trade, in line with the sustainable development goals.
The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB)

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