Harnessing trade facilitation for deeper regional integration – Experiences from Asia and Africa

04 juillet 2019
12:00-13:00, WTO Headquarters, Room E
, Suisse

​While regional integration is increasingly viewed as a critical springboard towards economic diversification, yet significant trade costs and trade facilitation bottlenecks continue to dampen the viability of regional value chains. As tariffs are gradually reduced, non-tariff measures play an important role in shaping the outcome of regional trade agreements and contributing to determine their commercial value and rate of utilization.

Against this background, the side event brings together experts working in Asia and Africa, sharing their experiences on how trade facilitation (and the flexibilities of the Trade Facilitation Agreement - TFA) can be best harnessed to deepen regional integration. Concrete examples of regional value chains in both commodity-related and manufacturing sectors will be discussed in a comparative perspective, shedding light on how a strategic approach to trade facilitation could support regional integration and foster economic diversification.

With a view to support the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the event will focus on specific trade facilitations reforms such as rules of origin implementation, and simplified trade regime, etc.

This side-event is co-organized by two UNCTAD Divisions, Division of Technology and Logistics and the Division for Africa and the Least developed Countries.

Division for Africa and the Least Developed Countries

English  |    
Sites correspondants:
WTO Aid for Trade Global Review 2019: Supporting Economic Diversification and Empowerment
WTO Aid for Trade Global Review 2019


Celine Bacrot
Trade Facilitation Section