Peer Review Dissemination Event in Managua

22 octobre 2013
11:00 - 13:00 hrs. Central Auditorium, American University
, Nicaragua

The results of the UNCTAD Voluntary Peer Review on Competition Policy of the Republic of Nicaragua will be presented in an event in Managua on the 22 of October 2013.

The Peer Review is the final phase of UNCTAD’s technical assistance cycle which typically begins with the formulation of a competition policy framework, followed by the adoption of a competition Law, the set-up of a competition authority and the provision of training to enforce the Law.
The aim of the event is to explain the Peer Review process and the results of the Nicaragua peer review on competition policy to key stakeholders in the country and to build consensus around the peer review recommendations.
- Minister Solórzano, MIFIC
- Dr. Guzmán, President of Procompetencia
- Heads of Sector Regulators
- Representatives from the Supreme Court of Justice
- Businesses and Lawyers
- Consumer Associations
- Members of the Academic community 
UNCTAD contact:

Hassan Qaqaya, Head of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, DITC
Patricia Cordovilla, Economist, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, DITC


Patricia Cordovilla
Tel: 0041-229175668