The sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly, held on 21 December 2012, adopted resolution 67/195 which invited the Chair of the CSTD to establish the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation.
In view of this request, on 22 March 2013, the Chair of the CSTD announced the establishment of the Working Group with the following composition: 22 Member States (four per regional group, plus the two that have hosted the World Summit on the Information Society); five representatives from the private sector; five representatives from civil society; five representatives from the technical and academic communities; and five representatives from intergovernmental and international organizations.
This meeting is the third in a series of meetings intended for an exchange of views among stakeholders and to report the outcomes to the CSTD at its seventeenth session in 2014.


- Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (WGEC 2013) Second Meeting
- First meeting of the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (WGEC)
Ms. Anne Miroux
Director of UNCTAD Division on Technology and Logistics and Head of the CSTD Secretariat
Ms. Padmashree Gehl Sampath
Chief, UNCTAD Science and Technology Section, CSTD Secretariat