
09 janvier - 26 février 2017

In an effort to enhance the knowledge about the links between trade and gender among stakeholders in developing and transition countries, the UNCTAD Virtual Institute (Vi) and the UNCTAD Trade, Gender and Development Programme pooled their expertise to develop an online course on trade and gender. The course is based on Volume 1 of the jointly developed Vi teaching material on trade and gender, titled "Unfolding the links."

The course targets academics (from universities and research centres), policymakers and representatives of civil society in developing countries and countries with economies in transition involved in research, teaching, policy formulation and implementation, advocacy or field work in the area of trade and gender. Qualified women candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. 

Applicants must hold a Master's degree in Economics, Law, Political Science or related area, as well as excellent knowledge of English.

Thanks to the support from the Governments of Finland and Sweden, the selected participants will be exempt from the fees associated with access to the course and the e-tutoring services provided. Participants will also receive the course materials on a DVD free-of-charge.

Participants with passing grades in the course will receive a certificate of completion. Top course graduates will become part of the UNCTAD trade and gender consultancy roster, and may be considered for future assignments in this area and/or participation in intergovernmental meetings on trade and gender organized by UNCTAD.

The deadline for applications is November 20.

Trade, Gender and Development Programme, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, UNCTAD
Sponsor / funding:
Governments of Finland and Sweden

English  |   Français  |    
Sites correspondants:


Ms. Simonetta Zarrilli
Chief, Trade, Gender and Development Programme
Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, UNCTAD