Training Course on Advanced Investigative Techniques

25 - 27 juillet 2017
Capital Hotel and Spa
Addis Ababa
, Éthiopie

​This course follows on the introduction to research methods and investigative skills conducted for the Trade Competition and Consumer Protection Authority in March 2017. It is a more advanced course on investigative techniques for competition law enforcement. The objective of this Course organized by UNCTAD is to train TCCPA staff members of Ethiopia on how to evaluate market power and abuse of dominance and practical guidance on investigating abuse of dominance cases. An important component of the course is the case study exercises, where key principles and tests are explored through a selection of competition and regulatory cases. The longer case study exercises will involve groups work. Participants will apply lessons learnt during the sessions and the hypothetical cases will be debated from the perspective of different stakeholders in the feedback sessions.

Trade Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (TCCPA) of Ethiopia
Sponsor / funding:
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

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