UNCTAD/UN-NGLS Dislogue Series: Revising Investment Treaties

10 décembre 2014
13:15-14:30 hrs., UNCTAD New York Office (2 UN Plaza, Building DC2 - 11th Floor, 44th St and 1st Ave)
New York
, États-Unis d'Amérique

By 2013, the number of known Investor State Dispute Settlement cases reached 568, and the number of countries that have been respondents in at least one dispute increased to 98.   Over 40 countries and 4 regional integration organizations are currently or have been recently revising their model International Investment Agreements (IIAs).

The goal is to reconcile two broad objectives – attracting quality investment on the one hand and preserving the policy space to regulate in the public interest on the other.

The need to revise the IIAs Regime is heightened by the required investment in some SDGs while protecting the policy space to achieve other SDGS.

Download: World Investment Report 2014: Investing in the SDGs: An Action Plan


About the UNCTAD/UN-NGLS Dislogue Series

Against the backdrop of globalization, macroeconomic policies, including those concerning international trade, finance and debt management, are critical to support a global enabling environment for growth and sustainable development.

The transformative potential of the sustainable development agenda will be determined by the various corresponding Means of Implementation (MoI), including financial resources, capacity-building and technology development and transfer.

For example, the Secretary-General's Synthesis Report on the Post-2015 Agenda in paragraph 87 states that “an integrated development agenda demands an equally synergistic financial framework. Governments should work to better align the financing frameworks that developed out of the two strands of development debate – the Monterrey and the Rio processes.”

To support stakeholders to engage effectively in the formulation and implementation of the post-2015 development agenda and to help bring these two strands together, UNCTAD and UN-NGLS in partnership will host a series of dialogues to closely examine these important issues.

UNCTAD's technical experts on globalization, debt, trade and investments will be in New York to contribute to the December 2014 substantive informal sessions for the Third Financing for Development Conference, and in that context we invite civil society organizations and the private sector to join the discussions.

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