With over 80% of world merchandise trade carried by sea, international shipping and ports provide key linkages in the network of supply-chains and are vital to global trade and development. We work to help improve the understanding of issues at the interface of maritime transport and the climate change challenge, with special emphasis on climate change adaptation and the need to enhance the climate-resilience of transport systems.
For further information and feedback, contact the Policy and Legislation Section at: policy.legislation@unctad.org
Review of Maritime Transport 2024
Chapter 5: Making the legal and regulatory environment fit for purpose
- Commercial law implications of weather- and climate-related risks
- Combating fraudulent ship registration and registries: State of play and a way forward
- Policy considerations
Events and meetings
Documents and publications
La révolution de l’énergie durable et ses incidences sur le commerce et le développement : le cas des marchés des minéraux critiques essentiels à la transition énergétique et du secteur du transport maritime
TD/B/C.I/57 and TD/B/C.I/57/Corr.1 - 28 mars 2024
Energy transition of fishing fleets: Opportunities and challenges for developing countries
UNCTAD/DITC/TED/2023/5 - 22 janv. 2024